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Friday, May 1, 2015

Garden Predictions

Hello and Happy May!

We only have five weeks left of school - EEK!  I'm feeling excited and a bit overwhelmed.  Trying to fit in all the lessons I want my Firsties to experience is hard work even without a deadline fast approaching!

Learning how to make predictions is an important primary grade skill.  Making predictions helps strengthen both reading strategies and science skills, and can be an exciting way to gain student engagement in a topic. 

After selecting the seeds they wanted to plant in our garden and then planting them, the students each wrote a prediction about which seed they thought would sprout first.  Here's a few samples of their writing:

We've been anxiously awaiting for their seeds to begin sprouting so we can see if any of the predictions were correct!

In the meantime, here's two of my Firsties who found a bell pepper growing in the garden from the garden's previous caretakers.  I snapped a photo of them in the process of documenting it and the second photo is theirs!

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